That big building a couple blocks away that towers out of the top of the frame is the First National Building. The FNB (that's what the cool kids call it), as well as the one in front of it, were around back in 1956. The two key differences (aside from the absence of streetcars nowadays) are that Woodward has, it appears, been widened, and now includes a boulevard, which is where I was standing. Also, that huge building you see on the right side of the new photo is the Comerica Tower, which was built in the early-90s.
Thanks again to GrifsDad for providing the old photos, and to GMoney, who sent in an e-mail thumbs-up echoing Squishy and giving kudos to the Kage and all things on it. (By the way, I realize my post about the Free Press building earlier today breaks up these two photos. To see both of them one after another, just click on "Detroit Then and Now" in the menu of categories on the right side of this screen. Scroll down and find the list of categories under "Kage Files".)